Corporate Advertising and Sponsorships

DVGI Corporate Sponsorships

Is your firm interested in being a corporate sponsor for DVGI and appearing on the sponsorship list on our webpage? With sponsorship, you are entitled to a business card advertisement in our monthly DVGI newsletter, your corporate logo displayed on our website, a table for technical/promotional display at DVGI’s annual Student Night, and PowerPoint slides of your projects to be displayed via projector (or on-screen if a virtual event) prior to the main presentation at each of our monthly meetings.

If your firm is interested in corporate sponsorship, DVGI takes payments via the Add to Cart button below. You can modify the quantity on the PayPal payment page to take out multiple ads. DVGI also offers corporate sponsorships exclusively for company tables at Student Night and for holes at the annual Golf Outing.

DVGI appreciates generosity the tremendous annual support its corporate sponsors provide. Their contributions makes up a large portion of the scholarship funding DVGI awards each year!

Pricing for corporate sponsorships:

Corporate sponsorship: $200

Student Night corporate sponsorship: $100

Golf Outing tee sponsorship: $150

Sponsorship Type

The PowerPoint slide template for DVGI sponsors is available here:

2024 DVGI Sponsor TemplateDownload

DVGI Corporate Advertisements

Is your firm interested in posting a corporate advertisement in the DVGI monthly newsletter? If so, DVGI takes payments via the Add to Cart button below. Please click the button and select the type of ad your firm prefers. If your firm wishes to take out multiple ads, you can modify the quantity on the PayPal payment page. Thank you for your support!

Pricing for 3-month advertisement:

Full page: $200, half page: $135

Advertisement Type