Welcome to Delaware Valley Geo-Institute!

Coming Soon: DVGI Annual Student Night & March 2025 Dinner Meeting
DVGI will continue its 2024-25 meeting schedule with its annual Student Night dinner on Tuesday, March 25th at Villanova University. DVGI will recognize Ernie Hanna, P.E., of GZA as the ASCE Philadelphia Section’s 2024 Geotechnical Engineer of the Year. In addition to Ernie’s acceptance address, three student presenters will speak about their ongoing research, while several of their student peers will present posters on their work. Click here to register for the event.

About the ASCE Philadelphia Section’s 2024 Geotechnical Engineer of the Year: Ernest (Ernie) Hanna, P.E., is a senior consultant with GZA GeoEnvironmental, where he has worked for nearly 40 years. Ernie hails from the Buffalo area and spent the first 30 years of his career there. In 2009, he relocated to Philadelphia, where he has expanded the firm’s geotechnical operations and served in multiple senior leadership roles with the company. Ernie is licensed in five states and has extensive experience in shallow and deep foundations, landfills, dams, and renewable energy. Ernie will soon be retiring from GZA and looks forward to beginning his next chapter.

Ernest (Ernie) Hanna, P.E., ASCE Philadelphia Section’s 2024 Geotechnical Engineer of the Year.

About the 2025 DVGI Student Speakers: Reza Jebeli, a PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, is researching the impact of environmental changes on soils’ stability and shear strength. Avinash Pandey, E.I.T., an MS student at Rowan University, is investigating the use of remote sensing technologies to address geotechnical challenges in cold climates. Catherine Sengstock, an MS student at Widener University, is exploring the use of industrial byproducts to improve the sustainability of construction materials.